Monday, February 06, 2006


Random Item of Interest #10: Mavericks is on!

Woo Hoo! I finally heard about it before it happened - the once-a-year Big Wave surfing competition in Half Moon Bay, CA. It is pretty darn amazing, the size of those waves and the guys that choose to enter them. The official website is And check out these images from


Two-dozen of the world's best big-wave surfers are en route to Half Moon Bay to take part in the 2006 Mavericks Surf Contest on Tuesday.

Given only 24 hours notice to get ready before jumping into the icy waters off the coast of Half Moon Bay, the 24 surfers and an estimated 30,000 spectators are expected to flock to Mavericks, a surf spot known for some of the largest and most dangerous waves in the world, Mavericks Surf Ventures reported. [...]

In March 2005, some 30,000 spectators and 2 million television viewers in 70 countries watched the 2005 competition as the surfers ripped across nearly 50-foot high waves.

Wish me luck I can't find my binocs and I'm going to battle the crowds to get a place to check it out. You can also buy a year subscription for $10 to watch a live webcast of the event. I'm sure I'll see more with that than in person, but still...

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