Monday, August 07, 2006


A rough week for Flower

This morning Flower visited a vet. In the waiting room, she was so scared that she let me hold her - a first. She curled in as deep into my arms as she could get. She had a lot to deal with:
limping from a hip issue
wounds on inside leg
needed vaccines
tar on a foot
The doctor said her ears and mouth look good but shook his head at her other issues. 8 hrs later I go back in to look at the x-rays and she has a broken hip. The ball part of the leg bone broke off inside the joint and the leg bone was separated from the hip bones by a centimeter or so. I don't know how she was walking at all. So, I signed a bill for a total of $1300 for all the vaccines, surgery, anesthesia, flea bath, spaying, and sewing up her wound. She's having so much happen to her all at once, it's a good thing she's scrappy. She won't get surgery until Tuesday or Wednesday and won't come home until at least Friday. Poor little girl.

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